The Art of Embroidery: A Timeless Craft
Make  a list

Go room to room in your home and make a list of what needs cleaning with an estimated time frame you will need to complete each task. This will help you make the most of any spare 5 minutes but also allow you to really sink your teeth into the bigger jobs when you do have a longer block of time available.

I also use this list as a brain dump. Instead of getting overwhelmed by the task at hand, I get everything down on paper. When I do get around to the actual cleaning I don’t find myself getting distracted by the other jobs I come across. If it’s on the list I know I will get around to it at some point, rather than trying to do too much at once (and not actually finishing anything at all!)

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Go room to room in your home and make a list of what needs cleaning with an estimated time frame you will need to complete each task. This will help you make the most of any spare 5 minutes but also allow you to really sink your teeth into the bigger jobs when you do have a longer block of time available.

I also use this list as a brain dump. Instead of getting overwhelmed by the task at hand, I get everything down on paper. When I do get around to the actual cleaning I don’t find myself getting distracted by the other jobs I come across. If it’s on the list I know I will get around to it at some point, rather than trying to do too much at once (and not actually finishing anything at all!)

Work in Bursts

Robovac is my new bestie. I’m not joking, move over coffee maker. There’s a new favourite appliance in town. While this little guy doesn’t do the deep clean it does a fantastic job of cleaning day to day. Every day I send my Eufy Robovac around the ground floor of my home. This area gets the most dirt and before I had Robovac I used to sweep at least twice a day. Now instead of using my time on an everyday cleaning chore, I use that time to tick off a quick job from my deep clean list. These daily bursts of 10-15 minutes makes my spring clean manageable and more productive and the more I keep on top of these bigger jobs the quicker it is to deep clean each year.

Bluetooth Headphones

I’ve always got a podcast, ebook or music on while I clean. I use my Bluetooth headphones so as I run around the house getting jobs done I don’t have to stop and start the audio or take speakers around with me. This helps me to say focussed on a task and also gives me self imposed time limits to work towards. Even if it’s just organising a sock drawer for one song. Once the song is over the job is done for the day.

Be your future friend

Make next year you happy by adding easy ways to keep your home clean all year round. After you’ve spent time scrubbing your kitchen appliances, place liners onto the shelves and drawers of your fridge and oven liners to your oven and grill tray. Throw these into the dishwasher as needed and it will save hours of future cleaning. Other jobs that can help you save time including changing or deep cleaning doormats once a month to stop dirt moving around your home unnecessarily. You can also place blankets, clothes and cushions into vacuum bags to prevent them gathering dust when they’re not being used.

Stop spreading dirt around

Often when we’re cleaning surfaces we can end up just moving dirt or dust around. My favourite trick for quickly and effectively removing and dirt is using a window vacuum. These not only leave your windows sparkling inside and out, in no time at all, but they can also be used on a variety of flat surfaces to suck dirty water right off them! As well as my windows I use it on my hob, oven door, tiles, shower doors, mirrors and even kitchen cabinets. The window vacuum works wonders on glossy cabinet doors to leave them streak free without having to buff them dry.

Often when we’re cleaning surfaces we can end up just moving dirt or dust around. My favourite trick for quickly and effectively removing and dirt is using a window vacuum. These not only leave your windows sparkling inside and out, in no time at all, but they can also be used on a variety of flat surfaces to suck dirty water right off them! As well as my windows I use it on my hob, oven door, tiles, shower doors, mirrors and even kitchen cabinets. The window vacuum works wonders on glossy cabinet doors to leave them streak free without having to buff them dry.

The Art of Embroidery: A Timeless CraftApplications of Embroidery
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 The Art of Embroidery: A Timeless Craft

Go room to room in your home and make a list of what needs cleaning with an estimated time frame you will need to complete each task. This will help you make the most of any spare 5 minutes but also allow you to really sink your teeth into the bigger jobs when you do have a longer block of time available.

I also use this list as a brain dump. Instead of getting overwhelmed by the task at hand, I get everything down on paper. When I do get around to the actual cleaning I don’t find myself getting distracted by the other jobs I come across. If it’s on the list I know I will get around to it at some point, rather than trying to do too much at once (and not actually finishing anything at all!)

Make a list

Go room to room in your home and make a list of what needs cleaning with an estimated time frame you will need to complete each task. This will help you make the most of any spare 5 minutes but also allow you to really sink your teeth into the bigger jobs when you do have a longer block of time available.

I also use this list as a brain dump. Instead of getting overwhelmed by the task at hand, I get everything down on paper. When I do get around to the actual cleaning I don’t find myself getting distracted by the other jobs I come across. If it’s on the list I know I will get around to it at some point, rather than trying to do too much at once (and not actually finishing anything at all!)

I also use this list as a brain dump. Instead of getting overwhelmed by the task at hand, I get everything down on paper. When I do get around to the actual cleaning I don’t find myself getting distracted by the other jobs I come across. If it’s on the list I know I will get around to it at some point, rather than trying to do too much at once (and not actually finishing anything at all!)

 I also use this list as a brain dump. Instead of getting overwhelmed by the task at hand, I get everything down on paper. When I do get around to the actual cleaning I don’t find myself getting distracted by the other jobs I come across. If it’s on the list I know I will get around to it at some point, rather than trying to do too much at once (and not actually finishing anything at all!)

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